My spooky sister
ISBN: 9781842702802
Verlag: London: Andersen Press Limited
Erscheinungsjahr: 2004
Glover, Sandra:
My spooky sister / Sandra Glover. - 1. Aufl. - London: Andersen Press Limited, 2004. - 69 S.
NE: Glover, Sandra
ISBN 9781842702802 Paperback
An intriguing variation on a ghost story.
Tom loves his little sister, Alice, but he thinks she?s a bit strange. Her terrible nightmares for a start, and the way she keeps insisting that she?s Alison, not Alice. Is it just a vivid imagination as the doctor says? Or is there more to it. And could Alice?s ramblings possibly have anything to do with an unsolved murder twenty years ago?